Unused Credits Eventually Expire

Unused Credits Eventually Expire

Unused Credits Eventually Expire

Three Years

Attorney Credits believes that if you purchase a course or credits, that you should have ample of time to complete them. At Attorney Credits you get three years to complete what you purchased. Unlike other CLE sites that only give you a short time (typically one year) to complete a course before they remove your credits, we give you three years. Take your courses on your own time schedule, even if it is years apart.

Courses Do Expire

All courses eventually expire. Courses have a limited approval period, from one to five years depending on the state. If a course you signed up for expires before you complete it, we will credit your online account so that you can add another course of your choice (based on a per credit basis). You don't have to do a thing, credits are automatically added.

Unlimited Plans

If you signed up for either a three month or one year unlimited plan, your unlimited credits are good for either 90 or 365 days from purchase. After 90/365 days you will be removed from any remaining courses you haven't completed. Lifetime unlimited plans expire when you do. Lifetime unlimited plans are the ultimate way to save money and take as many CLE as you need for the rest of your life.

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