Where are my courses?

Where are my courses?

Where are my courses?

Courses are listed on your Incomplete Courses page. If none of your courses are showing up there are a few possible issues.

Please note you are currently on our "help" site. To see your Incomplete Courses you need to be logged into your account on our actual website. Our website is www.attorneycredits.com
  1. Your transaction didn't go through. Please look at your receipts to see if the transaction went through. If you have no receipts or it shows up as declined, your transaction hasn't gone through.
  2. Many times customers purchase one of our credit plans instead of a state bundle. State bundles are pre-populated with courses, but custom bundles plans are not. If you purchased a custom bundle you will see "credits" in your account on your dashboard. Just click Add Course to add new courses. Every time you add a course the proper credits will be deducted from your account.
  3. You already completed the course. If you complete a course and a certificate has been issued the course is no longer on the Incomplete Courses page. You will find certificates for all completed courses on the Completed Courses page.
  4. The course may have expired. If a course expires we have to unenroll you from the course since you can't complete it for credit. If a course expired, credits were added to your online account. Just click Add Course to use your credits.
  5. If you practice in multiple states sometimes courses are not approved in all of your jurisdictions. Check the course list for the state to see if it is currently offered in that state.

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